Leon Eckert, currently living in Shanghai.
Hallo! I am a German programmer, researcher and artist focusing on the critical discussion of technology and its impact on society. My work is inspired by the psychological, cultural and geopolitical processes at play in a time of large-scale data collection and analysis.
right now
- Interactive Media Art, NYU Shanghai - research fellow / teacher- 2018-ongoing
- ITP, Tisch School of the Arts, NYU (Master of Professional Studies) - 2017
- Goldsmiths, University of London (BA Design) - 2015
- ITP, Tisch School of the Arts, NYU - Research Resident - 2017 - 2018
worked for/with
- Data Selfie - Python Developer, built Object Recognition API - 2017
- 'Hansel & Gretel' by Ai Weiwei, Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron - Computer Vision Assistant to Adam Harvey - 2017
- Witness.org - JavaScript Developer - 2017
- Helen Nissenbaum - Research Assistant - 2016
- - AdNauseam - JavaScript Developer - 2016
- Trevor Paglen - Computer Vision Research & Python Developer - 2016
- Adam Harvey - Python Developer - 2016
- Privacy Research Group, NYU - Member - 2016 - ongoing
- Matthew Plummer-Fernandez - Python Developer - 2013
- Revital Cohen & Tuur Van Baalen - Processing & Arduino Developer - 2013
- Intro to Creative Coding w/ p5.js workshop - The Stu, Munich - 2018
- Teaching Assistant, Intro to Python UG - NYU, CS Department - 2017
- Intro to Computer Vision with Python workshop - NYU, ITP Unconference - 2017
- Intro to Chrome Extensions workshop - NYU, ITP - 2016
- Intro to Python Workshop Series - NYU, ITP - 2016
- Intro to Command Line workshop - NYU, ITP - 2016
- 3rd Istanbul Design Biennale - Istanbul - Packet Autobahn - 2016
- ITP Spring Show - NYC- Air Poems & Unwitting Subjects - 2016
- ITP Winter Show - NYC- Deceit Board & Keyprints - 2015
- Codame Art+Tech Festival - San Francisco - Genetic Dance Algorithm - 2015
- XV Show, Goldsmiths University - London - Genetic Dance Algorithm - 2015
my face

Watched Over An Instagram account run by an algorithm, the primary audience of all our posts.
2017computer vision, machine learning, instagram, bot
Biometric Intimacy Exploring the possibility of making inferences about a typist’s mental state by analyzing keystroke rhythms.
2017privacy, biometric data, itp thesis
Deceit Board A two part project dealing with typing patterns and how they are used as unique identifiers of individuals.
2015surveillance, privacy, biometrics, behavioural data, arduino
Check Republic A real time web interaction of people checking checkboxes.
2016live web
Unwitting Subjects Altering reality as seen through insecure ip cameras / a program that makes unwitting strangers far away draw on your canvas.
2016privacy, surveillance, open frameworks, ip cameras
- >> all projects
in progress / a blog
Planning: Creative Browser Class I am aiming to design a syllabus for a class about creative use of the browser
Feb 21, 2018browser, teaching, class, syllabus
Workshop: Git and GitHub (with Pictures) An introductio to git and GitHub (part 1)
Feb 7, 2018workshop, teaching, git, github
Workshops (I try to put online what I teach) collecting links to workshops I teach and manage to document
Feb 5, 2018workshop, teaching
Workshop: First steps with Python Notes for a 1.5h workshop taught at ITP/NYU in February 2018.
Feb 4, 2018workshop, teaching, python
- >> all posts
- objective various times and places, handpicked by a stranger.
- textures clouds, rocks and water.
- /\ splits across time and space.
- minds open
- faces 2017++
- alone with ideas beautiful minds alone with their ideas. at itp.
- meet me in Shanghai for coffee or beer, I am in Europe & New York quite often, too.
- mail /at/ leoneckert /dot/ com
- @leon_eckert
- github